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Uncertainty shrouds my recent actions—was it a misstep or a necessary choice only time and perspectives can discern? Our family once tended farms in our ancestral lands, a cherished legacy passed down through generations. Yet, following the passing of our grandfather, the burden became too heavy to bear alone. Reluctantly, we decided to sell, with education costs for a family member weighing heavily on our minds.

Initially, it seemed a consensus among family members that this was the prudent path forward. Each received their share of the proceeds, indicating a tacit approval of the decision. However, as tuition bills loomed larger than anticipated, the financial reality began to unravel our plans. Desperate to uphold my commitment to the education of my family person, I resorted to deception—falsifying information to educational institutions, a tactic I learned from a well-meaning friend who advocated "faking it until we make it."

For a time, the facade held, and I navigated the complexities of financial strain with a facade of stability. Yet, beneath the surface, the truth gnawed at me. The disparity between appearances and reality weighed heavily on my conscience. In hindsight, perhaps there were alternative paths rooted in honesty and transparency, but all refused to help the boy. Nonetheless, in the tumult of the moment, I succumbed to the allure of temporary solutions.

As a law-abiding citizen of good health, I pride myself on making sound decisions. However, my resolve wavered when confronted with a plea from the boy's mother, whose education hung in the balance. Witnessing her tears as she expressed her profound regret at not being able to provide adequate support for her son, I felt a surge of empathy for her parental plight.

At that moment, I recognized the gravity of the situation and the opportunity it presented to fulfill her parental obligations. Despite the weight of the responsibility, I consciously chose to extend a helping hand to the boy. Acting on her behalf, I embarked on a journey of pleading, borrowing, and seeking assistance from all quarters—strangers, friends, adversaries, or even family members.

Through perseverance and the willingness to swallow my pride, I reached out to individuals from all walks of life, beseeching them to contribute to this noble cause. Despite facing rejection and resistance from some, I remained steadfast in my determination to secure the resources needed to support the boy's education.

Despite our best efforts, the parents faced unforeseen challenges, prompting us to return the education funds they had provided. Once again, we found ourselves grappling with a shortfall. Despite this setback, the boy persevered and completed his education, walking daily to school with no money for transportation or food. However, upon graduation, he encountered a bureaucratic hurdle—unable to secure the necessary certification to commence work.

Dejected and disillusioned, he was forced to return home, facing a barrage of insults and humiliations. Those who had previously sanctioned the decision to sell the land now castigated him for his perceived failure and blamed him for selling the lands. Moreover, he endured scorn from others who deemed his aspirations lofty and unattainable given his financial circumstances. Some even thought it was all a sham. 


This sobering reality underscores the pervasive influence of wealth on societal perceptions of success and ambition. It is a stark reminder that, in many cases, opportunities are disproportionately allocated to the affluent, perpetuating a cycle of inequality. As we reflect on this unfortunate turn of events, it is evident that the journey towards equality and opportunity is fraught with obstacles. Yet, we must continue to challenge prevailing norms and advocate for a more inclusive and equitable society where one's dreams are not shackled by their financial means.

I would strongly advise anyone considering sponsoring beyond their financial means to conduct thorough research and explore alternative options that are now more available. While my steps ultimately facilitated the boy's education, they fell short of securing employment opportunities for him. In a do-or-die situation, I'd adopt a mindset of determination and resilience, pushing aside any doubts or reservations and simply taking action. F**K them and Just do it. But always remember to pay your debts, even if it takes time. Generous people are hard to find these days. 

Nevertheless, we remain deeply grateful to the college and the few individuals who extended their acceptance and support. We humbly apologize for any inconvenience caused and aspire to one day attribute our success to their patience and assistance. Furthermore, we are committed to repaying their debt as soon as circumstances allow.

In hindsight, my decision to step forward and champion the cause of this young individual stands as a testament to the power of compassion and the importance of fulfilling our duties to one another. Though the path was fraught with challenges and uncertainties, the satisfaction of knowing that I could make a difference in the life of a deserving child outweighed any personal discomfort or inconvenience.

Shortly after, the boy eventually secured a project, a success story that filled me with immense pride. However, the financial outcomes of his efforts remained uncertain, reminding me that breaking free from generational poverty is a gradual process. Despite the challenges, I am determined to witness this transformation within my lifetime.

While my intentions were noble, I am fully aware that I broke the law and must accept the consequences of my actions. Despite knowing that I would face repercussions, I chose to proceed because I firmly believe in realizing others' dreams through proper guidance and support.

In my naivety, I acted without fully understanding the ripple effects of my societal actions for helping beyond my means. I have since learned about the potential negative ramifications of such actions. While the intent may be selfless, educating oneself on the pros and cons before extending assistance to others is essential.

Despite my past experiences, I still feel compelled to offer assistance, even if it's just advice. Perhaps it's a personal trait of mine. However, I am actively learning to address my shortcomings, which requires persistence and wisdom to help ourselves and others without causing harm.

I am acutely aware that others are now watching over me and scrutinizing my actions, and I am not immune to facing the consequences when I overstep legal boundaries. I sometimes get kicked on my butt when I get the impulsive itch. Indeed, I have found myself in trouble for breaking another law on a different occasion, but that's a tale for another time. You'll come to understand the reasons behind my brokenness and the dramatic turn my life took.

If you can't assist someone, that's perfectly acceptable. Just refrain from being a jerk.

© 2023 by Mounika Sammiti

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